Summit day. Force myself at 5 am to eat the daily breakfast of oatmeal, breakfast essentials and pop tarts. Packed up and out of camp at 6am. I want to rush, but reign myself in. If any day was meant to be enjoyed and full of introspection- it is today. 5.2 miles to the summit. First few miles is pretty straightforward and then we hit more three point technical climbing. Great views on exposed edges. Across a 1 1/2 mile gently sloping exposed alpine environment and we are at the top. I am hesitant to move forward when i am a hundred yards away. Crazy mixed emotions that are overwhelming. Our group is the first to summit for the day, which is special. No muggles and bystanders to interfere with our special moment! It is a uniquely shared event for a group of grown men to look at each other with teary eyes and share a special bond created by 5 months of beauty, hardship, laughter, pain, friendship and sharing. Damn it man - what a trip -I love you guys!!
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