4 days left and being so near to a long sought goal brings some interesting introspection. I am ready for the bike part to be over. It has been long and usually cold days with a lot of mileage. I have only taken two days off in 6 weeks. I will miss the grandeur and splendor of this fabulous country that we are blessed to live in. I will miss the interactions with “trail angels” and most of all I will truly miss the daily hobo life. It is very liberating in many ways. I have also enjoyed sharing with everyone!! Will keep you updated on the last few days and the big finish!!
- Frank
Just logged on for first time since saying, “ Have a safe ride”! After you dipped your front wheel into the Pacific. 100 miles to go! Wow, what an achievement. You may be at the end by now. If so, congratulations my friend. From Southern California Golden Retrievers Rescue.
Mark Chadwell and Andrea Roth.